Who am I kidding? The clothing looks like $&*#. I'll definitely have to tweak it up some more, as soon as I get all these updates to my comp working properly. :D
For those of you interested, I posted a turntable video of the model below. :)
I'll just call it done for now. There's more I should be adding to my portfolio, and of course the more you look at your work, the more you'll want to keep adding to it. So here he is - Long John Silver from "Treasure Planet", done in subdivision surfaces in Maya. Overall I like it. I'll probably tweak it when my mind bounces back to it, but I'll just show these rendered images for now. Enjoy!

Perspective View

Head Gear shot

Hand Gear Shot
Turntable Animation
All modeling done in Maya using Subdivision Surfaces. Original design property of Walt Disney Studios. Used without permission.